Holiday drink recipes for Nan

by Steve, December 20th, 2008

A couple variations on kid favorites for the grown-ups for Nan who was expecting drink recipes from Wacky Mommy.

Snow Snake

  • Hot cocoa
  • Peppermint Schnapps
  • Whipped cream
  • Creme de menthe

Add a shot of schnapps to a cup of hot cocoa. Top with a mountain of whipped cream. Drizzle a line of creme de menthe around the whipped cream (that’s the snake). Sip carefully and keep away from the kids!

Shirley Tavern

The working title for this has been “Dirty Shirley”, which I like for the assonance/alliteration (what do you call it when it’s both?) but it’s not dirty like a martini.

  • Vodka
  • Grenadine
  • 7-up
  • Ice
  • Maraschino cherry

Fill a tall glass with ice. Add a splash of grenadine, a shot (or more) of vodka, top of with 7-up and garnish with a cherry. Serve to your lovely wife and pour a shot of vodka on the rocks for yourself (I’m partial to Grey Goose.)

2 Responses to “Holiday drink recipes for Nan”

  1. Comment from Elizabeth:

    Oh, that Snow Snake sounds good. Wish I could make it out to a liquor store right now, but…..we just spent way too much time on the yellow line max shuttle, where they had way too few drivers out there. I’ll have to be better prepared for the next storm!

  2. Comment from Steve:

    The Snow Snake is friggin’ dangerous. I’m glad we don’t have the stuff to make them while we’re snowed in!

    I braved the yellow line shuttle today up to Fred Meyer. Quite an adventure, mainly because of all the fools out driving. (Easy for me to say — I don’t have to be anywhere.)